Greater Spokane Elks Lodge #228

Lodge Happenings


For Lodge Events Calendars Click Below

Scroll Down for information and photos from past events
Lakeland Village Christmas Party

On December 4, 2024 we made our annual bus trip to Lakeland Village to provide entertainment for the Residents' Christmas Party.  A good time was had by all! To read more and see photos of the event:

Flag Day Ceremony

Elks Ritual Flag Day Ceremony at the Lodge was held on June 9, 2024.
For more information and photos: 


Memorial Day Services

Thanks to Dennis Hurd, Memorial Day Services
were held at the Spokane Memorial Gardens on May 27, 2024.  We’ve done this service for many years and would love to have more members attend.  For photos and more

Veterans Day Dinner

We had a good turnout for a great Veterans Day Dinner on November 10th at the lodge. A very tasty meatloaf and chicken dinner was prepared by our ER Frank Powers and Esquire Jan Lindsey.
Our guest speaker was Colville Lodge's Richard Shull telling of the Veterans Court program in Stevens County.  For photos and more: