Greater Spokane Elks Lodge #228

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Office Hours: Tuesday thru Thursday 10:00 am – 3:00 pm

Telephone: (509) 926-2328

Fax: (509) 755-0597



Lodge Officers

Exalted Ruler--------------------------- Frank Powers

Leading Knight------------------------- Jaye Nordling

Loyal Knight---------------------------- Warren Stout

Lecturing Knight--------------------------- Lynn Hurd

Secretary---------------------- Jim Bedard, PDDGER

Treasurer----------------------------------- Kathy Sink

Board of Directors Chair---------------- Jim Parman

Tiler---------------------------------------- Paula Davis

Esquire-------------------------- Janice Lindsey, PER

Chaplain------------------------------- Dorothy Larsen

Inner Guard--------------------------------- Ted Fisher

Trustee (1 Year)---------------------- Ted Bronowski

Trustee (2 Year)--------------------------- Jim Parman

Trustee (3 Year)---------------------------- Kent Allen

Trustee (4 Year)------------------------ Jim VanSlyke

Trustee-------------------------------Dennis Hurd, PER